Spot Removal

The Before and After images show the effects of just one session of treatment.

Do you have small, dark spots on your face or other areas of your body? Do you find them itchy or embarrassing?  You may have Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra.

Characterised by small dark spots, Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) is a skin condition that usually starts in adolescence and worsens with age.

As the spots increase in number and size, many find the condition not only itchy but embarrassing, which is why it is great that there is a solution.

French Dermatologist and Surgeon, Dr. Albane uses a state-of-the-art dermatological laser, Gentle Lag Candela, to remove the non-cancerous growths, which typically appear on the face, neck, upper-back and chest. 

The procedure takes as little as 20 minutes.